The US Treasury Department has sanctioned two alleged members of the Russian cybercriminal group Cyber Army of Russia Reborn (CARR). The group has claimed responsibility for several cyberattacks against US critical infrastructure providers. One such attack targeted a water facility in Texas, causing a tank to overflow and wasting tens of thousands of gallons of water.

Although CARR’s attacks are considered unsophisticated, they still pose a serious threat to public safety. The group’s ability to access critical infrastructure systems, even if only gaining access to industrial software systems that should be separated from the public internet, could have devastating humanitarian consequences. This situation underscores the importance of strong cybersecurity measures for critical infrastructure providers.

Cybersplice Industrial Connectivity Cloud facilitates secure remote access into sensitive OT Networks for Engineers, Operators and Third Party Vendors via a fully isolated environment for each customer.  SRA capabilities include authentication offloading with MFA options, as well isolating Vendor activities in a captive portal with screen recording.